Massive holes in the ice caused by violent volcanic eruption open up in glacier in Iceland


The largest glacier of Iceland is melting like an ice cream.

Giant holes as large as 1,300 feet wide and caused by volcanic eruptions have opened up in Vatnajökull.

vatnajokull glacier, vatnajokull glacier volcanoes, vatnajokull glacier volcanoes map,
The largest glacier of Iceland Vatnajokull and the volcanoes buried under its ice.

Vatnajökull is the second largest glacier in Europe, covers 8 percent of Iceland and several volcanoes. In the last few years, the enhanced seismic activity has created several glacial floods in the area.

Giant holes in the ice of the largest glacier of Iceland, giant holes glacier iceland, vatnajokull glacier, vatnajokull glacier volcanoes, vatnajokull glacier volcanoes map,
Giant holes in the ice of the largest glacier of Iceland. via

Now, huge holes more than 1300 feet wide and several hundreds of feet deep are appearing in the ice. These cavities mean that the ground beneath the glacier has been left exposed for the first time in hundreds or thousands of years, since the glacier itself was formed.

Giant holes in the ice of the largest glacier of Iceland, giant holes glacier iceland, vatnajokull glacier, vatnajokull glacier volcanoes, vatnajokull glacier volcanoes map,
The giant holes are due to volcanic eruption under the ice. via

Scientists believe it is very important to be vigilant against the creation of any more calderas, which raise the likelihood of a glacial flood.

Giant holes in the ice of the largest glacier of Iceland, giant holes glacier iceland, vatnajokull glacier, vatnajokull glacier volcanoes, vatnajokull glacier volcanoes map,
The cavities in the ice are hundreds of feet deep and up to 1300 feet wide. via

These floods – jökulhlaup – occur when the dam that contains a glacial lake fails. They can occur simply as the result of a buildup in pressure but are more likely to be caused by a volcanic eruption or earthquake, as in 2010 during the second eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull.

Giant holes in the ice of the largest glacier of Iceland, giant holes glacier iceland, vatnajokull glacier, vatnajokull glacier volcanoes, vatnajokull glacier volcanoes map,
The giant holes in the ice are forming continuously. via

There is something weird happening on the largest glacier of Iceland and nobody can determine what it indicates. Prepare and get READY for the next large eruption.

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