The Amazing Frozen Niagara Falls on Pictures – March 2014


This is the second time in a winter!  Yesterday, icy temperatures turned the millions of gallons of water that normally flow over the Niagara Falls every minute into ice. Here are some pictures!

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Amazing frozen Niagara Falls at night – March 2014
Amazing image of frozen Niagara Falls on March 3 2014

For the second time in this Northeastern United States and Canada’s frigid winter, the Niagara falls has come to an icy halt.

frozen Niagara Falls, frozen Niagara Falls photos, frozen Niagara Falls pictures, frozen Niagara Falls images, frozen Niagara Falls image gallery, frozen Niagara Falls March 2014, A gallery of pictures showing the frozen Niagara Falls by day and at night on March 3 2014. It's wonderful!
A gallery of pictures showing the frozen Niagara Falls by day and at night on March 3 2014. It’s wonderful!

Can you imagine? The six million cubic feet of water that typically flow over the falls every minute have frozen over.

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The Niagara Falls freeze on March 3 2014 giving us these wonderful pictures.

The flow of water over the falls typically can withstand icy temperatures like those that have frozen much of the country this winter, but Monday’s high of 9 degrees Fahrenheit brought Niagara Falls to a standstill.

frozen Niagara falls march 2014, chutes du Niagara gelées mars 2014, niagara fàlle sind gefroren Màrz 2014, frozen niagara falls march 2014 image, Record deep temperatures freeze thje Niagara Falls on March 2014
Record deep temperatures freeze thje Niagara Falls on March 2014

And photographers were there to snap some stunning images of the frozen waterfall.

More pictures here.

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  1. […] The Amazing Frozen Niagara Falls on Pictures – March 2014 – The Niagara Falls have frozen again (March 2014). … freezing the “front” of the river — and meanwhile the rest of the water is slowly backing up upriver. Reply. admin Mar 9, 2014 at 1:29 pm. … Youtube Music Videos Photos Of Frozen Niagara Falls 2014 Aug 30, … […]

  2. I wonder if they were actually completely frozen, but only for a few hours? I’d assumed that it just looked frozen but still had flow underneath the ice. But maybe at one point, when it was coldest, the flow indeed fully stopped, but only until the water behind it could rise enough to break through again? I guess what would happen is, where the water falls through the air it chills on the way, freezing the “front” of the river — and meanwhile the rest of the water is slowly backing up upriver.

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