The longest continental volcano chain has just been discovered in Australia.
And it is an amazing 1,200 miles long. This is nearly three times the length of the famous Yellowstone hotspot track on the North American continent.
Scientists have discovered a volcano chain more than 1,200 miles long spanning the Australian continent.
The 1,200-mile line of volcanic activity runs from Cape Hillsborough in northern Queensland south to Cosgrove in Victoria and extends on to the island of Tasmania.
As reported by the Australian National University, some sections of the track were already well known, but the new research indicates that these areas are part of the larger chain. The gaps inbetween are areas where the Australian lithosphere is too thick (> 80 miles).
In July 2015, 4 giant underwater volcanoes were discovered off coast of Sydney, Australia
More information about this amazing volcano discovery in The Guardian – World’s longest continental volcano chain discovered in Australia