After all the lies and propaganda we have been told in the last two years, I think it is more than legit to ask… Why are all occidental medias and politicians saying that the Russian army is getting stuck in Ukraine. What if it was another web of falsehoods…
I mean, look at the old map above (5 days old) and observe the different axes of progression of the Russian Army. The occupation of the Ukrainian territory is growing daily, with some specialists stating that on some fronts, the Russian military troops are advancing some 20-30km/day. That’s enormous!
This is a very fast progression! We are now in the 3rd week of the Russian special operation in Ukraine and the country measures 603,000km2. If you want to put it into perspective, the US Army took over Iraq (435,000 km2) in about 6 weeks.
Not even Putin thought this occupation would be easily done and finished within one or two weeks. The western propaganda just want you to believe that!
Ukraine is actually the largest country in Europe after Russia. We are not in Sinai (60,000km2) in 1967. That was ‘easy’, and much smaller. But, even that took 6 days to conquer!
I actually believe things are happening very fast! And the western media and ‘allies’ (NATO and Europe are so unprepared for a war that they cannot help and will just observe how Ukraine will be taken out of the world maps) want to give us a false impression, a false feeling about a possible defeat of the Russian Army!
They are maybe trying to convince themselves that there may be a sudden turnaround, that there is hope and a chance of de-escalating… I think this is the main reason why they sell us and want us to believe that the Russian army is getting stuck!
North and East fronts South fronts
Kiev battles
But what’s actually happening is the contrary! Russian forces progress fast and methodically. And as soon as you watch the maps above, you exactly know what’s going to happen in the near future. They are currently surrounding the Ukrainian troops to totally cut them from supplies.
The biggest problem right now is that in the West, there is no truth. There is wishful thinking and there is this impression of success by the Ukrainians that doesn’t stack up. The biggest lie I’ve heard repeated on television is, Russian troops have been told to deliberately murder Ukrainian civilians. That’s absurd, it’s nonsense.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky asked the US Congress on Wednesday to send fighter jets, air defense missiles and other weapons to Kiev, as well as establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine, so his army could defeat Russia. He made the same argument to Canadian lawmakers on Tuesday.
Such shipments will have no effect. Zelensky’s refusal to negotiate an armistice is only going to get more Ukrainians killed. has been banned from ADS NETWORKS! CLICK HERE TO DONATE AND SUPPORT ME, MY WORK AND MY WEBSITE!
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uthor: Neda Iranpour
Published: 12:17 PM PDT March 18, 2022
Updated: 12:47 PM PDT March 18, 2022
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SAN DIEGO COUNTY, Calif — On the first day of spring Persians celebrate Nowruz, also known as the New Year. On Sunday at 8:33 a.m. it will be celebration time among thousands of families across San Diego and millions across the world.
Before the New Year, Neda wanted to share some of the rich traditions and meanings behind them. So as a Persian herself, she says “khosh omadeen” which means thanks for being here. We hope you enjoy a little taste of Iran.
“Har Roozetan Nowruz, Nowruzetan Pirooz.” That’s the wish for a happy new year from the Persian Cultural Center of San Diego. The Persian Cultural Center of San Diego (PCC) is dedicated to sharing the rich history and culture of Iran with San Diegans.
Shahla Salah, President of the Persian Cultural Center says, “Persian culture is such an ancient culture and it has really influenced culture around the world.”
So they were beaming with pride as we discussed the meaning behind many traditions.
One of those traditions is celebrating the Persian New Year, “the first day of spring, the first day of the Iranian month of Farvardeen, and the first day of the year, we celebrate life, happiness, and health,” says Salah.
And that celebration involves gathering around a table known as a Haftseen, an elaborate sight, prepared several days in advance with “haft” or seven items that start with “seen” or the letter S.
Farideh Vasoudi Fazel, a Board Member of the PCC shows us the Haftseen and explains each of the items and what they means.
SEEB – is apple which is the symbol of beauty.
SABZEH – are sprouts which are a symbol of rebirth and growth.
SENJED – is a lotus tree fruit and is a symbol of love.
SAMANOO – is wheat germ and is a symbol of power and strength.
SERKEH – is vinegar and is a symbol of patience.
SOMAGH – is sumac, a spice, and is a symbol of the sunrise.
SEER – is garlic and is a symbol of health.
In addition to those seven items, Persians will also include decorated eggs as a symbol for fertility. The table is also decorated with flowers, especially hyacinth to represent beauty. And most tables will have a mirror as a reminder of self-reflection.
During the new year some families will read Nowruz in the U.N. calendar, accepted as an international holiday.
Sadr said, “when we came here after the Iranian revolution and after the hostage crisis, Iranians didn’t have a good name and didn’t have a good reputation. People didn’t want to be our friends and they were reluctant to say they were Iranians.”
But now he finds Iranians are embraced in San Diego’s diverse community.
Fariba Babakhari-Ghazi is the Vice-Principal of the Iranian School of San Diego and she says, “I love my heritage and I think it’s important for every culture to pass that to next generation. This is important otherwise everything is going to disappear.”
And for many Iranians they simply want their most cherished memories of growing up to be felt here in a place they’re now proud to call home.
In Iran, they would celebrate for 13 days after the New Year. There would be no work or school as families go from house to house visiting their loved ones, typically from the oldest to the youngest. And on the 13th day, they celebrate what’s called Seezdah Behdar.
Everyone is invited to the Seezdah Behdar celebration on April 3 at Liberty Station’s NTC park from noon to 6 p.m.
And at 8:33 a.m. on Sunday be sure you give your loved ones an extra hug and maybe enjoy something sweet as a way to bring luck to the new year.
WATCH RELATED: Celebrating Persian New Year (March 18, 2022) No to War
I do not believe anything the media says no matter what.