Alaska: NORAD detects, tracks, identifies and intercepts Russian aircraft entering Air Defense Identification Zone

Two Russian Tupolev TU-Bear bombers capable of carrying heavy payloads over long distances were intercepted as they flew near Alaska on Monday, according to a joint U.S.-Canada air defense organization
Two Russian Tupolev TU-Bear bombers capable of carrying heavy payloads over long distances were intercepted as they flew near Alaska on Monday, according to a joint U.S.-Canada air defense organization

On 17 October, the Alaskan North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) Region detected, tracked, positively identified and intercepted two Russian Tu-95 Bear-H bombers entering and operating within the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ).

Two U.S. Air Force F-16 fighter aircraft intercepted the Russian aircraft which remained in international airspace and did not enter American or Canadian sovereign airspace.

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The recent Russian activity in the North American ADIZ is not seen as a threat nor is the activity seen as provocative. NORAD tracks and positively identifies foreign military aircraft that enter the ADIZ. NORAD routinely monitors foreign aircraft movements and as necessary, escorts them from the ADIZ.

NORAD employs a layered defense network of satellites, ground-based radars, airborne radar and fighter aircraft to track and identify aircraft and inform appropriate actions. We remain ready to employ a number of response options in defense of North America and Arctic sovereignty.

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What do you think it would have happened if the two bombers had entered either the American or Canadian sovereign airspace. Do you think they would have also looked at the Russian activity differently (neither a threat nor a provocation)? I dont think so! As published in a new report, the US military is WEAK and will struggle to win a war as fighter pilots don’t have jets or training and army can’t recruit enough soldiers… [NORAD, DM] has been banned from ad networks and is now entirely reader-supported CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT MY WORK…

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  1. Well, they were in international airspace. If they cross the boundary, then they would have been warned to leave, and escorted away. If they continued, then they would be shot down. At least that is what should happen.

    • 50,
      Nothing new here. Growing up the old Soviet Union and USA played these games on a daily basis. Right now, they just using it to pump the nuclear war fear porn.

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