Ancient Mystery: Unusual Aztec Dog Cemetery Found in Mexico City – February 2014


This is not the first time a burial of a dog has been found, but it is the first find where many dogs were carefully buried together, in a setting that is like a cemetery.

aztec dog cemetery, DESCUBREN INSÓLITO ENTIERRO DE PERROS PREHISPÁNICOS, aztec dog burial site, dog burial site mexico city, mexico city dog excavation site 2014, discovery of dog cemetery in Mexico City in February 2014, Dog cemetery unearthed in Mexico City in February 2014, Especialistas del INAH encontraron los restos de 12 canes durante tareas de salvamento arqueológico realizadas en un predio de la Avenida Azcapotzalco, Los animales debieron ser colocados en un mismo momento hace más de 500 años, entre 1350 y 1520 d.C., durante el apogeo mexica de la Cuenca cano,  restos de 12 canes e mexico, mexico  restos de 12 canes  february 2014
Dog cemetery unearthed in Mexico City in February 2014

Archaeologists excavating underneath an apartment building in the Aztacapozalco neighborhood of Mexico City have unearthed an unusual group burial of 12 dogs dating to the Late Post Classic period of Aztec history (1350 to 1520 A.D.).

Although dog burials are not in and of themselves uncommon in Aztec culture, these are unusual because they stand alone. Previous canine remains have been found in conjunction with human remains, or coupled with an important structure as sacrificial offerings. So far, archaeologists have found no human burials or building connected to any of the dogs.


Meaning of dogs for Aztec

In the Aztec religion, dogs, as well as other animals, played important roles in rituals and mythology of the underworld. Dogs acted as guardians and escorts for their masters’ souls as they traveled to the underworld. The deity Xolotl, often depicted as dog-headed, created a dog specifically to aid the dead in their voyage.

dog cemetery, dog mexico 2014, dog burial site mexico 2014, Dog found in Mexico City 2014, aztec dog cemetery, DESCUBREN INSÓLITO ENTIERRO DE PERROS PREHISPÁNICOS, aztec dog burial site, dog burial site mexico city, mexico city dog excavation site 2014, discovery of dog cemetary in Mexico City in February 2014, Dog cemetary unearthed in Mexico City in February 2014, Especialistas del INAH encontraron los restos de 12 canes durante tareas de salvamento arqueológico realizadas en un predio de la Avenida Azcapotzalco, Los animales debieron ser colocados en un mismo momento hace más de 500 años, entre 1350 y 1520 d.C., durante el apogeo mexica de la Cuenca cano,  restos de 12 canes e mexico, mexico  restos de 12 canes  february 2014
Unusual dog burial site found in Mexico City in February 2014

It was the Xoloitzcuintli, also known as the Mexican hairless dog, that Xolotl gave to humanity instructing them to guard the dogs during life in exchange for the dogs guiding them through the nine levels of Mictlan, the main underworld destination. Dogs also played a less sanctified role in Aztec culture: as a dietary protein supplement.

About the discovery

The remains were found between 4.2 feet and 5.5 feet under street level in a pit 6.5 feet square. They are in good condition, skeletons almost entirely intact and articulated. They don’t appear to have been laid to rest in any particular pattern or orientation, but they were buried all at one time on their sides. No artifacts were found in this pit. Ceramics discovered in other trenches around the dog burial provide a contextual date. Their black geometric designs on orange pottery identify the pottery as Aztec III style, household goods that were ubiquitous in Late Post Classic Mexico.

There’s some excellent footage of the excavation in this Spanish language video:

Osteological examination suggests these were common dogs, ie mutts, rather than one of the native pure breeds like the small Techichi and the hairless Xoloitzcuintle. The Techichi have unmissable short legs that none of the 12 dogs have and the Xoloitzcuintle lose their premolars in adulthood. The buried dogs were all adults at the time of death with full sets of teeth.

If you want some more information, follow this link.

Hopefuly, their screams weren’t as terrifying as these ones!

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