Strange Animal Behavior: Octopus Decides To Go For A Walk On Land (VIDEO)

Did you know that an octopus could walk on land? I had no idea. And this video blew my mind!


Check out this awesome YouTube video!

It features a really cool octopus leaving his watery home at Fitzgerald Marine Reserve to give lucky visitors a dead crab.

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This octopus decided to walk on landand ressembles a drunken alien discovering Earth for the first time! Photo: Youtube video

The Animal Kingdom is full of wondrous creatures. We are constantly surprised at what animals are capable of. But this is crazy! This small octopus crawling and lurching on the ground looks like a small alien freshly arrived from his extreterrestrial planet, discovering and exploring our amazing planet… And he probably had a good drink before!

Yeah this is a funny and weird animal behavior!

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