Strange clouds suddenly appeared on the weather radars near St-Louis, Missouri.
This mysterious clouds over southern Illinois and Central Missouri turned out to be a swarm of monarch butterflies.

Meteorologists from the National Weather Service analyzed the shape-shifting cloud that was moving toward Mexico to figure out what exactly it could be. After being baffled by this mysterious apparition, they now think this weird cloud were Monarch butterflies. The flying insects that even remember a mountain that hasn’t existed for millennia at Lake Superior on their way to Mexico, look oblate to the radar, and their flapping wings would account for the changing shape!
Last year a grasshoppers’s plague was also responsible for such a weird cloud in Albuquerque.
Well all we can do now is to wish the Monarch a safe journey on their trip south for the autumn and winter. And for the radar specialists: These butterflies will probably continue to create such strange clouds every year. Be prepared!