A penumbral lunar eclipse will take place overnight from Saturday to Sunday for most observers in North and South America, as well as portions of western Africa and Europe.
Yes, July 4th will end with a full moon lunar eclipse! Are you ready?
Penumbral eclipses occur when the Moon passes through Earth’s penumbra — the outer portion of its shadow as shown in the graph below.
The eclipse begins at 11:07 P.M. EDT (9:07 p.m. MDT and 8:07 p.m. PDT) on Saturday, July 4, and ends at 1:52 a.m. EDT on July 5 with maximum eclipse around 00:30 a.m. EDT (10:30 p.m. MDT and 9:30 p.m. PDT).
A penumbral lunar eclipse will be visible just after sunset on July 4th with maximum eclipse around 10:30pm MDT. https://t.co/fRQGOXTCTL #idwx #orwx pic.twitter.com/8Fm37ZPdA2
— NWS Boise (@NWSBoise) July 3, 2020
It’s worth stepping outside if you’ve got good weather to see if you can spot the effect.
On June 21st, a ring of fire solar eclipse occurred in the sky over Earth’s eastern hemisphere:
Well, hopefully nothing will go wrong… But in case… Are you ready?
Learn more about meteor showers and sky events on Meteor Shower Tonight or Strange Sounds. Now if you are looking for supplements to increase your healthy lifestyle and sexlife please visit Natural Health Source. Thank you for your support! [NASA]
OCT 1 and OCT 31 will have 2 full moons in One Months?
You can’t have a lunar eclipse without a full moon. ??
You are right. Sorry that wasn’t the best title I have found…
You read my mind Strange Sounds , I am sure with Partial Eclipse of Moon on 4th of July and Full Moon we are going to hard times indeed for coming months and election on NOV 3? My predictions of course is almost ready i learned how allign words.