Another massive eruption is building up at Shiveluch volcano in Russia

Shivelush volcanic eruption May 2023
Shivelush volcanic eruption May 2023

Shiveluch recently produced a powerful volcanic eruption, being the largest in 59 years within Russia.

However, there is now a new danger, as fumaroles appeared on a section of the volcano which has largely been unaffected by volcanic eruptions for several thousand years.

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As a result, a new area is at risk around the Shiveluch volcano as the possibility remains of an imminent large volcanic eruption, although such a hypothetical eruption would probably be smaller than the April 11th 2023 eruption…

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  1. Ash angel, ash angel
    Will you be mined
    My pumice dear
    SO2 in the atmosphere
    It’s getting cool
    Cooler all the time

  2. Last week ( or a few days ago), I remember seeing a couple of small magnitude earthquakes out east of Russia on the interactive map. Now, I kick myself for not investigating the epicenter proximity to the volcano. I usually do it, but sometimes I get preoccupied.

  3. Looks like the imbecile lefties and buttvagina people will have more to worry about than cow farts and carbon footprints.

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