The ocean is an unknown and mysterious place.
Here a list of 10 unexplained noises from the deep ocean:

1. 52-hertz Whale: The Loneliest Whale in the World
Is this a lonesome whale swimming throught the Earth’s ocean? In any cases, the deep sea creature vocalizing at 52Hz has been dubbed “The World’s Loneliest Whale”.
So far information about the creature is scarce. How does this animal look like? Is it a whale? What kind of whale?
Film makers and scientists tried to locate the creature for a documentary named “Finding 52: The Search for the Loneliest Whale in the World”.
Now listen to the haunting song of the 52-hertz whale:
More information about the 52Hz-whale:
Twelve years of tracking 52-Hz whale calls from a unique source in the North Pacific
Map of the 52-hertz whale’s migration patterns
A Lone Voice Crying in the Watery Wilderness (with a graphic of tracking during twelve year period)
52 Hertz: The Loneliest Whale in the World
The loneliest whale in the world: The whale whose unique call has stopped him finding love
2. Bio-Duck
A strange and mysterious quacking noise has been detected by submarines in 1960 in the open ocean as well as along the coast of Australia in particular in the Perth Canyon.
After decades of mystery, researchers have identified the bio-duck as being emitted by the Antarctic minke whales.
Further information about the Bio-duck quacking noise:
Mystery of ‘ocean quack sound’ solved
Bio-Duck Activity in the Perth Canyon. An Automatic Detection Algorithm
Infrasonic Signals in the Environment
3. The Boing
In 1962 G.M Wenz described a mysterious “boing” sound that had originally been heard in the 1950s by US Navy submarines off San Diego, California, and Kaneohe, Hawaii.
Despite receiving much public attention, the source of the sound remained a mystery for 50 years, until the Southwest Fisheries Science Center acoustics team followed the sound in 2002 and identified its source as minke whales offshore the Hawaiian Islands.
Further information about the Minke Whale Boing Sound:
Source of the North Pacific “boing” sound attributed to minke whales
4. The Bloop
The Bloop is a low-frequency underwater sound and probably the most famous mystery noise ever recorded in the ocean.
The audio was captured in 1997 by two hydrophones around 4,800 kilometers apart. The point of origin is believed to be off the South American coast. The Bloop sounds almost like gas or oxygen bubbles rising up through the water.
As The Bloop was many times louder than any known creatures, some people began to speculate that the noise may even belong to a large, undiscovered sea monster.
Unfortunately scientists dismissed the possibility of giant sea monsters and in recent years have suggested something far less interesting, that the most likely cause of the strange noise is an icequake generated by large icebergs fracturing and cracking.
Listen to the freeky audio of The Bloop:
Further information about the Bloop sound:
Acoustics Monitoring Program – Icequakes (Bloop)
The Bloop mystery has been solved… And it’s not a giant sea monster
Tuning in to a deep sea monster
5. Julia
This strange whining sound was recorded by the eastern equatorial Pacific autonomous array on March 1 1999 and an origin between Bransfield Straits and Cape Adare.
Could it have been caused by a large iceberg that has run aground off Antarctica?
Here a recording of the ‘Julia’ sound:
Further information about Julia sound:
Mystery strange sounds from the deep ocean
6. Slow Down
This sound is similar to a distant wailing or something falling from the sky. It was recorded on May 19, 1997 on the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean autonomous hydrophone array in the Antarctic Peninsula.
Researchers believe that it may be an iceberg that has hit the sea floor and has slowed to a halt.
Listen to the Slow Down deep sea sound:
Further information about Julia sound:
Mystery strange sounds from the deep ocean
7. Star Wars
This strange noise sounds similar to a laser blaster from Star Wars in-between “beating on an oil drum and firing a laser gun”… A mysterious ba-ba-boinnnngggg noise.
Originally belived to originate from a ship, the sound has been attributed to Dwarf Minke Whales in 2001.
8. The Train
This mysterious sound from the deep ocean was recorded in Antarctica’s Ross Sea on March 4 1997 by the eastern equatorial Pacific autonomous hydrophone array.
It sounds like a train traversing across a sea bed while tooting its horn.
Although still unexplained, researchers believe that it was most likely a moving iceberg that was slowly dragging its keel across the sea floor.
Further information about The Train sound:
Mystery strange sounds from the deep ocean
9. Upsweep
This is one of the creepiest recordings from the deep ocean. The Upsweep audio was first captured in 1991 and resembles a siren or howling from an unknown creature.
The Upsweep seems to be seasonal, reaching its peak in spring and fall and occurs frequently near inferred volcanic seismicity.
Researchers are still unable to identify the origin of this strange noise, but a interresting theory says that Upsweep is result of hot lava reacting with cold seawater.
Listen to the creepy Upsweep audio:
Further information about Upsweep:
Mystery strange sounds from the deep ocean
10. The Whistle
While it doesn’t really sound much like whistling, this mysterious audio of what resembles distant whirring was captured by the eastern Pacific autonomous hydrophone in on July 7 1997 and its point of origin is not known.
Researchers believe that the whistle’s undulating single frequency is similar to signals recorded during the eruption of submarine arc volcanoes and that this may explain the cause of the sound.
Do you know some more strange sounds from the deep ocean? Please add them in the comments below. Source
Man after the sounds i think i just peed
Yesssss Thank you Manuel!!!
There are millions of creatures underwater and no doubt they sound strange and creepy. These are just 10 sounds but there might be a lot more…
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