Etna (Italy) awakens after 8 months, Colima (Mexico), Ebeko (Russia) and Sabancaya (Peru) strongly erupt


Etna (Italy) awakens after 8 months, Colima (Mexico), Ebeko (Russia) and Sabancaya (Peru) strongly erupt.

There is no rest!

On January 23, 2017, at sunset, small strombolian explosions were reported at the south-east crater. This is the first volcanic activity of Etna in the last 8 months.

The above video shows one of the small explosions from the “saddle vent” between Etna’s old and new Southeast Crater at sunset, 23 January 2017.

etna smoke ring, etna smoke ring picture, etna spews smoke ring picture january 2017
Etna volcano spews one of its famous smoke ring. The Italian volcano “smokes the pipe”on January 19, 2017 by Dario Teri via Etna Sci

This perfect ring of steam was created by Etna on January 19, 2017.

Meanwhile in Mexico, the Colima volcano erupted violently again at 15:47 with plumes of ash and gas rising to more than 3,000 meters above the summit.

The Ebeko volcano in the Kuril Islands erupted on January 23, 2017. It was fimed using a drone in this great footage showing the volcanic peak emitting huge volumes of smoke and ash in the air.

Officials recommend not to get too close to the volcano as it may eject fairly large fragments of solid volcanic rock, even at a considerable distance. Ashfall was reported in the town of Severo-Kurilsk.

Colima eruption on January 23, 2017. Picture by PC Jalisco
Colima eruption on January 23, 2017. Picture by PC Jalisco

At Sabancaya in Peru, earthquakes associated with magmatic movements (LP, tremor and hybrids) were elevated with 2 VT earthquakes (M3.5 and M3.7) hitting just several kilometers north of the crater. This week, there were 76 daily explosions on average.

Official report of the activity at Sabancaya volcano in Peru. sabancaya, sabancaya eruption
Official report of the activity at Sabancaya volcano in Peru

The eruptive plumes reached 2,500 meters above the crater, spreading over more than 40 km in the direction of S and SO.

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