Microburst engulfs Austin in apocalyptic video – Second microburst in 2 days in Texas


The following microburst videos are just incredible.

They show the amazing moment the collapsing pocket of cold air and rain rushes to the ground and engulfs the city of Austin, Texas.

Here the two videos of Austin’s microburst. Both videos capture the dramatic moment the collapsing pocket of cold air and rain rushed to the ground, fanning out at speeds of 40-50 mph.:

This weather phenomenon ocurred on June 6, 2017. Two days before, another microburst hit the city of Dallas, also in Texas.

microburst austin, microburst austin video, microburst dallas, microburst texas, microburst austin video,
This microburst unlashed its power onto Austin in Texas on June 6 2017, two days after the same weather phenomenon engulfed Dallas. via Youtube video

Do you think they are currently testing a weather weapon over larger cities in Texas?

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