Strange Sounds in the Sky, Barcelona, Spain
These strange sounds were recorded in Cardedeu a small village near Barcelona in Spain on the 14 october 2012. The recorded noises have the typical metallic sound of flying by planes. These weird noises were recorded this morning at around 10:00 AM. They lasted around 30 minutes and were heard in intervals of 7 minutes. Again, a very nice record. Thank you for sharing it!
Spanish: Grabación efectuada esta mañana (sobre las 10:00) al lado de mi casa, con un Samsung Galaxy Mini. Se puede apreciar de fondo un sonido más o menos constante parecido a un avión cuando pasa por encima. El video dura 1 minuto, pero el mismo sonido lo llevabamos escuchando durante unos 30 minutos por lo menos, y a intervalos desde las 7:00 aproximadamente, según un familiar.
I can hear this exact noise right now in Manhattan Beach, CA at 9:05AM. I heard it two nights ago from 3:00AM to about 6 or 7AM.
Thank you, I also posted your message on the facebook page.