January 9 2013 – Willoughby, Ohio. These high-pitched weird sounds were recorded at around 11 A.M. in Ohio. They seem to be a kind of siren malfunction. However what makes me think a bit more about it is the length of the malfunction (about 5 minutes tells the recorder) and the reverberation of the noise (sometimes louder than other, maybe the wind?). The weird noises as started abruptly as they finished. Well what do you think about this recording. Probably a siren but for what? Any idea? But it sure is creepy.
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January 9th was a Wednesday. When they test the tornado siren/power plant siren, it is always on a Wednesday. I’ve lived in Willoughby for 30 years and have heard this sound many many times. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s not a communication from a alien life form. Just testing for our safety.
Thank you! I never said it is something paranormal. I just say it is strange and people too. If we find an explanation for the noises, then we are not just happy, we are very happy. Thank you for posting!
Must be a trumpet from the Bible in revelations.