Today, at 2:10 AM a 50m-high building collapsed in the center of Aarau, Switzerland, a city between Bern and Zurich. This was the first building implosion in Switzerland and everything went well.
Here a compilation of other building destructions that turned to be good:
However, as you will learn it in the following videos, building implosions sometimes turn wrong:
Former Loring Air Force Base, now the Loring Commerce Center, planned implosion of the Heat Plant goes wrong. If you’ll notice the before and after photos, mainly the bottom level of the plant dropped, and little else!
Demolition Gone Wrong Turkey Cankiri Turchia, palazzo si ribalta e non crolla Cankiri
Silo in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Ohio Edison tower tumbles wrong way demolition blast
Chinese Demolition Fail – Liuzhou South China