Army Training schedule at Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG): US army will probably conduct detonation exercices at APG which should strat around March 11 and end on or about March 22. Exercices will depend on weather conditions. As I always repeat, windy, cloudy and cold weather will transport sound further than usually and thus loud booms can be heard up to 50 – 70 miles around. If weather conditions are not favorable (cold and cloudy) firing will be rescheduled. Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) is a United States Army facility located in Aberdeen, Maryland, (in Harford County). APG is the U.S. Army’s oldest active proving ground and allows design and testing of ordnance materiel for authorized customers such as foreign and domestic government and non-government organizations. You will get more information under these numbers: 410-278-1147 or 800-688-8705.
Home Mystery Booms Boom Advisory US Army Training Schedule: Loud Booms Expected From APG Around Aberdeen and...