Rainbow Colors on the Minaret in Zurich – Open Your Minds


WTF! The tower of the mosque in Zurich shines in rainbow colors.

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Minaret with rainbow colors in Zurich Switzerland. Photo: http://www.20min.ch/schweiz/zuerich/story/Was-macht-der-Regenbogen-am-Minarett–30347563

At the Zurich Forchstrasse, today, the minaret is colored in violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red – the same colors that have become known in recent years through the peace flags and the gay movement.

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Mosque in Zurich coated with gay rainbow colors. Photo: http://www.20min.ch/schweiz/zuerich/story/Was-macht-der-Regenbogen-am-Minarett–30347563

But who is behind the rainbow coat? It is neither a Halloween prank. Rather, it is the mosque itself that dressed its minaret to set a sign of peace. It is indeed the week of the religions from November 2 to 9 2013.

Open your minds!

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