The Bravo Spaceship is no Science Fiction (video)


It’s looking like a frame of a science fiction movie, when an alien spaceship is about to touch our ground before invasion.

Bravo alien spaceship from Morpheus team photo and video, morpheus vehicule NASA, real alien spaceship, we build alien spaceship, spaceship the look like alien vehicles, the morpheus spaceship looks like an alien one, alien invasion, This is not a frame from a science fiction movie, it's the Morpheus vehicule
This is not a frame from a science fiction movie, it’s the Morpheus vehicule

But it’s an actual image from the successful Bravo spaceship (from the Morpheus’s team) test completed today at the Kennedy Space Center’s Shuttle Landing Facility. Look at the video!

Did you see it? Did you see the astronaut emerging? Here the close-up picture…

morpheus, morpheus spaceship, FF8, strange alien looking spaceships, astronaut out of morpheus vehicle, Always check out the astronaut after landing!
Always check out the astronaut after landing!

As described in the video:

The multi-center Morpheus Team successfully completed Free Flight8 (FF8) at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF) on Wednesday, March 5th, 2014. FF8, the 6th free flight of the Bravo vehicle, flew to 467 feet (142m), altitude and then traversed 637 feet (194m) in 36 seconds, including diverting course mid-flight, before landing in the hazard field 56 feet (17m) from its original target (simulating hazard avoidance).

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