Huge fireball explosion recorded in the sky over Russia and Finland – April 19 2014 (VIDEO)


A huge fireball lit up and exploded in the sky over Murmansk in Russia on April 19, 2014. Look at the dashcam video below! It is simply amazing!

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A huge fireball explosion was caught in the sky over Murmansk in Russia and Finland on april 19, 2014. Photo: Youtube


The meteor explosion, almost as bright as the famous Chelyabinsk meteorite, flashed the at around 02:10 as shown in the dashcam video below. It is still unsure what this celestial body is. Let give some time to meteorite hunters. They will hopefully find something interesting!

Residents from the Kola Peninsula to Finland witnessed the amazing explosion of a fireball on Saturday night, April 19, 2014. It must have been really scary and loud.

Video courtesy: Alexandr Nesterov

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