Mystery “Monster Spray” Prescribed To A 6 Year-Old Girl To Cure Her Fear Of The Dark


This is the fun and weird story of a young girl who was so scared of going to bed, that a pharmacy in Watford City, North Dakota, prescribed her “monster spay.”

Indeed, as other children living in Watford City, North Dakota, the 6-year-old girl was scared of monsters in her bedroom.

monster spray, monster spray mystery, monster spray north dakota, pharmacy prescribes monster spray to kids scared of dark, monster spray helps young girl to sleep, This Pharmacy Prescribes Monster Spray to Kids that are Scared of the Dark, what is monster spray, Pharmacy's 'Monster Spray' Cures Kids' Fear Of The Dark, strange monster spray story, The bottle of monster spray given to a girl to cure her fear of the dark, A 6 year old girl couldn't sleep at night because she was scared of monsters so the Doctor gave her monster spray, A pharmacy in North Dakota has put a little girl's fears to bed prescribing a bottle of "Monster Spray"
The bottle of monster spray given to a girl to cure her fear of the dark

So the Barrett pharmacy manager took a prescription bottle and added the following label: “Monster Spray: Spray around the room at night before bed, repeat if necessary.” After three nights of spaying, the litlle girl was finally convinced that the monsters had gone.

The content of this bottle however remains a mystery… I bet it is water… What about you?

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