WTF! Women in Californian jails STERILIZED to diminish welfare costs

This is one of the worst stories I have heard off. According to Mr Conservative, California jail doctors have sterilized over 150 women to cut down welfare costs.

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Women Prisoners Sterilized To Cut Welfare Costs In California. Photo: Unknown

These surgeries cost Californians $147,460 between 1997 and 2010. And the doctors to say:

Over a 10-year period, that isn’t a huge amount of money compared to what you save in welfare paying for these unwanted children – as they procreated more.

This should be illegal… Even if it is not! The Supreme Court ruled in 1927 that women can be forcibly sterilized in jail in Buck vs Bell. Moreover, in California, each sterilisation procedure requires a state approval. Finally, the jailed women are not being forced to be sterilized. But are only being PRESSURED by the doctors. Here a video comment about this headline:

I do believe this procedure of sterilization is wrong, as they will not diminish poverty, criminality and drug abuses. What about you?

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