Crazy Strange Noises From Space Compilation Video

Which one is the most terrifying space sound recorded yet? OMG! All space audios in this video are creepy!


This video compiles different scary sounds from space and Earth.

Discover the strange and creepy noises of space, solar system planets and earth phenomena in this trippy video compilation! BUT NOT JUST BEFORE SLEEPING!

sounds of space, space audio, space sounds, planet sounds audio, compilation of space sound by nasa, terrifying space sounds, crazy and creepy sounds from outer space, nasa compilation of crazy sounds from space, terrifying sounds from space video, video compilation of terrifying sounds of space and planets, Crazy Strange Noises From Space Compilation Video, space audio, space sounds, planet sounds, creepy sounds of space, sound of space are creepy, Which one is the most terrifying space sound recorded yet? OMG! All space audios in this video are creepy!, Discover A Crazy Strange Noises From Space Compilation Video in this post and tell me which one is the most terrifying space sounds to you!, This post presents a compilation of space sounds from around our solar system. Photo: Voyager NASA satellite
This post presents a compilation of space sounds from around our solar system. Photo: Voyager NASA satellite

These scary and exquisite space sounds are created by different mysterious phenomena like lightning, auroras, ‘whistlers’ and particules traveling along Earth’s magnetic field and spiraling down Van Allen radiation belts.

Moreover this video compiles strange sounds produced by planets such as Jupiter and Saturn when their charged particles travel across their magnetospheres (recorded by Voyager).

Which strange space and earth sound did you find the most baffling and scary? Jovian chorus sounds like the strange sounds in the sky reported all over the world… But the Jovian Bow schock is terrfying!

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