Sharks Gather At Fakarava’s South Pass – Best Shark Diving Destination (Video)

I would like to be surrounded by a school of 600 sharks! What about you?


This video features a school of gray reef sharks swimming at Fakarava’s south pass in French Polynesia.

This is likely the best pass in the world to see aggregating gray reef sharks.

Gray Reef Sharks Gather At Fakarava - Strange Sounds, shark, SHARK DIVING - FAKARAVA SOUTH PASS, SHARK DIVING - FAKARAVA SOUTH PASS video, shark gathering video, shark video, gray reef sharks, SHARK DIVING - FAKARAVA SOUTH PASS, Fakarava French Polynesia, school of gray reef sharks swimming at south pass of Fakarava video, video of school of gray reef sharks swimming at south pass of Fakarava, video Hundreds of gray reef sharks gather and swim at south pass of Fakarava (French Polynesia), best place to see sharks, sharks sighting best places, best places to see sharks, Hundreds of gray reef sharks gather and swim at south pass of Fakarava (French Polynesia). This is the best dive destination to watch sharks in the world, Hundreds of gray reef sharks gather and swim at south pass of Fakarava (French Polynesia). This is the best dive destination to watch sharks in the world. PHOTO:
Hundreds of gray reef sharks gather and swim at south pass of Fakarava (French Polynesia). This is the best dive destination to watch sharks in the world. PHOTO:

But why are sharks gathering there?

The strong current present at this location allows sharks to move with a minimum of efforts. The fish enter a kind of dormant state perfect to pass quietly water over their gills. According to Eric Cheng, the video uploader, on a typical dive, you may spot and count over 650 sharks circling in place. Amazing isn’t it?

These gray reef sharks gatherings are just mind-blowing. Since I love sharks the Fakarava’s south pass would become rapidly my favorite dive destination around the world. What about you?

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