Subduction Zones Invasion? New Underwater Crack Could Make Atlantic Ocean DISAPPEAR


Are subduction zones invading oceans? Subduction initiation at passive margins plays a central role in the plate tectonics theory.

However, the process by which a passive margin becomes active is not well understood.

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Atlantic Ocean to Disappear in 200 Million Years? New active subduction zone found by Australian scientists off Portugal

A last year study suggests that the formation of new subduction zones in Atlantic-type oceans may not require the spontaneous foundering of its passive margins. Instead, subduction can be seen as an invasive process that propagates from ocean to ocean. This is really the end of the world!

The new subduction crack has been found in the Eurasian plate that contains all of Europe and most of Asia. The new underwater crack was found near the site of the devastating Lisbon earthquake in 1755. As reported by the scientists, it could cause Earth’s continents to ‘look very much like the Pangea‘.

This new active margin found in the Earth’s crust threatens to pull North America and Europe closer together and cause the Atlantic Ocean to vanish in about 220 million years.

The discovery of this new subduction zone, published on June 6 in the journal Geology, could signal the start of an extended cycle that fuses continents together into a single landmass—or ‘supercontinent’—and closes our oceans. This has already happened at least three times during Earth’s approximately four-billion-year history.

This Geology article practically supports one of the theorized future supercontinents, Pangea Ultima (last video), which is supposed to form around 200 million years in the future (North America colliding with Africa and Europe, Australia merging with Southeast Asia, and Antartica with South America. The other theorized Super Continent is called Amasia, where North and South America colliding with eastern Asia and Australia.

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