Look at this graphic of the January 1, 2015 earthquakes over 24 hours.
Does anything stand out to you?
You may (or may not) have noticed the line of earthquakes spaced evenly from South Japan to West Alaska. All happening in the 4.0M+ range within 24 hours time. Clearly earthquakes are progressing across a vast area over a short amount of time.
Take a look, and see for yourself , the past 24 hours of earthquakes (up to 5pm CST January 1, 2015) shows a steady progression of earthquakes equidistantly spaced over 3,800 miles:
24 hours of earthquakes up to Jan. 1 2015 515pm CST.. most recent earthquake in green. Watch in reverse order from oldest to youngest. The oldest starts in South Japan.. then moves to Alaska, then to the 5.1M off the coast of California, then heads back the other direction, terminating South of Japan with the green marked earthquake. The distance is 3,800 miles, which shows movement in BOTH directions over 24 hours, thus a total distance of pressure transfer back and forth of 7600 miles within one day’s time. The pressure movement back and forth along the edge of the Pacific plate produced equidistant spaced 4.0M+ events across the entire area moving.
This proves earthquakes DO progress across vast areas, and are related to one another…