Two of the most dangerous earthquake faults in the Bay Area are connected


Scientists have discovered an alarming connection underwater.

Two of the most dangerous earthquake faults in the Bay Area seem to be linked together.

Two dangerous earthquake faults Bay Area connected, Two of the most dangerous earthquake fault lines - the Hayward Fault and the Rodgers Creek Fault -are connected, Alarming Discovery Shows Bay Area’s 2 Most Dangerous Earthquake Faults May Be Connected big one san francisco, two dangerous faults connected in the Bay of SF, SF big quake news
Two of the most dangerous earthquake fault lines – the Hayward Fault and the Rodgers Creek Fault -are connected.

There is strong evidence that the Hayward Fault and the Rodgers Creek Fault are connected.

This doom discovery was made by US Geological geophysicist Janet Watt during an underwater survey in the San Pablo Bay.

According to her, there is now a direct evidence that the faults come closer together in the bay and may be directly connected. It would be devastating for an earthquake to rupture at both those faults — it’d be a very strong earthquake.

Two Bay Area fault lines could potentially trigger a 7.3 magnitude earthquake if they ruptured together. That’s stronger than the 1989 Loma Prieta quake.

A new sign of the incoming and feared Big One?

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