Scientists have testified that Uruguay has the weakest magnetic field around the world.
So what about this South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly?
Uruguay has values close to 23,000 nT, well below the world average of 60,000 nT.

Uruguay is right at the center of a region called the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly which also includes Paraguay, parts of Argentina, Brazil and Chile, and extends to the southern tip of South Africa.
The area is characterized by having the lowest magnetic intensity around the world.
Althought experts have different theories about this anomaly, many point out to a disturbance of the Earth’s core.

The Earth core generates the magnetic field, which protects our Planet from particles released by the solar radiation. The magnetic field is like an umbrella. If the magnetic field is weak, the Earth receives more particles ejected from solar storms.
This low magnetic field in Uruguay can damage transformers, radio communications, GPS systems and also satellites running at low altitude in the area. Moreover higher levels of particles could also have an impact on human health, although there are no definitive studies that corroborate this particular point.

A sign of End Times?
The magnetic anomaly is part of a global decrease in the intensity of the magnetic field. Scientific calculations indicate that the decline will continue for the next 100 years.
It is known that the last reversal occurred about 750 million years ago, but it is not known exactly when the next will take place… In 100 years? In 1000 years?
BBC – Uruguay, el menos magnético
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[…] it be related to Uruguay being at the centre of a strange magnetic phenomenon? So, Uruguay has the weakest magnetic field around the world apparently (23,000 nT compared to the world average of 60,000 […]