An M5.4 earthquake struck nearby the active Momotombo Volcano in Nicaragua on September 14, 2016.
This moderatly-strong quake was followed by a series of more than 60 aftershocks sparking fear of a devastating eruption of the volcanic peak in the neighboring communities.

The main earthquake struck at 11:57 PM local time, and was followed by a series of more than 60 earthquakes, ranging between M4.9 and M2.0 in intensity.
According to SINAPRED – National Preventive System for Disasters of Nicaragua – the earthquake and the continuous swarm are connected to the M6.1 and M7.3 earthquakes that hit Nicaragua in April 2014 and October 2014.
Authorities are now working on assessing the situation and monitoring the activity of Momotombo, which so far has given no indication of increased in activity.
In 1610, the Momotombo erupted so fiercely it forced the city of Leon to move. Closer to us, thousands of Nicaraguans were evacuated after the Momotombo volcano erupted for the first time in 110 years back in December 2015, spewing lava, ash and smoke.