At least 50 earthquakes struck near the Salton Sea area overnight.
This is the second earthquake swarm within two months to hit the region. Impending doom?

Nearly 35 micro-quakes struck the town of Niland near the eastern shore of the Salton Sea.
The swarm of tremors started at about 2:30am PDT and consists of 35 recorded events. The largest tremor so far was a magnitude 3.6 quake (depth 3.1km, 7km SW of Niland, California).
A smaller cluster of events also occurred on the 26 Oct 2016 about 3km to the west of the most recent seismicity, giving a total of approximately 50 events over the last 6 days, with 4 events over M3 and more than 20 events over M2.
In September, a series of more than 200 small quakes hit the area. That prompted scientists to say for several days that there was an elevated risk for a big San Andreas fault earthquake. Many of the minor quakes were located under the sea itself.
The Salton Sea is one of California’s most seismically complex areas. It is located on a web of faults that scientists fear could one day wake up the nearby San Andreas from its long slumber.
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[…] Second earthquake swarm in two months hits Salton Sea – 50 earthquakes strike near Niland […]
[…] Second earthquake swarm in two months hits Salton Sea – 50 earthquakes strike near Niland […]