Two million pounds of dead fish in New York’s wealthy Southampton shore


The after effects of a massive fish kill in the Shinnecock Canal continue to pile up in the Hamptons, New York.

Most recently, more than two million pounds of smelly bunker have washed up near Meadow Lane, one of the wealthiest areas in Southampton.

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About 2 million pounds of smelly, dead fish that died in a massive fish kill have found a new resting place in Shinnecock Bay.

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Many of the fish who died in a massive bunker fish kill on the East End more than two weeks ago have landed in the tidal pools on the bay side of Shinnecock Bay in the village of Southampton.

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The 2 million pounds of dead fish are scattered across 2 miles of land close to rich and famous homes on Meadow Lane.

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Willie Caldwell, one of the people in charge of helping clean up the fish, is concerned about cleanup funding and believes the towns are going to run out of money. He says he hopes to see some federal disaster money to help in the cleanup effort.

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The Village of Southampton and the Town of Southampton are working together to get the fish into the compost at the transfer station and make them into fertilizer for local farmers.

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Millions of dead fish have already been removed from the canal and beach. But many more must be removed from the marshy areas as soon as possible to avoid a public health hazard.

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The Department of Environmental Conservation says the town and village has not yet contacted them for permits required to do that work.

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