West Yellowstone rattled by M3.3 quake


A M3.3 earthquake rattled West Yellowstone on January 20, 2017.

The main quake was followed by a series of 3 smaller tremors.

west yellowstone earthquake, west yellowstone earthquake januyry 2017, yellowstone quake, yellowstone earthquake january 2017
Map of the epicenter of Yellowstone earthquake on January 20, 2017. via USGS

The M3.3 quake rattled at 16:37 (UTC) on January 20, 2017. The epicenter of the earthquake was situated 17km NNE of West Yellowstone, Montana at a depth of 7.9 km.

The tremor was followed by 3 smaller quakes:

M 1.5 – 16km NNE of West Yellowstone, Montana
M 1.8 – 17km NNE of West Yellowstone, Montana
M 0.7 – 16km NNE of West Yellowstone, Montana

Did you know that this lake was formed by an earthquake?

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