India’s only active volcano is spewing smoke and lava once again. Clouds were seen at the crater mouth where smoke was bellowing out in an otherwise clear sky.
Researchers sampled sediments in the vicinity of the volcano and recovered coal-like black pyroclastic material. The Barren Island volcano was lying dormant for over 150 years before becoming active in 1991.

India’s only active volcano in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands is erupting once again. The Barren Island volcano started erupting in 1991 after a dormant phase of over 150 years and has shown intermittent activity since then.
A team of scientists led by National Institute Of Oceanography’s Dr Abhay Mudholkar said that the volcano is active and spewing smoke and lava once again.
Researchers from the NIO have sampled the sediments and water in the vicinity of the volcano and recovered coal-like black pyroclastic material representing proximal volcanic ejecta.
Clouds were seen at the crater mouth where the smoke was bellowing out in an otherwise clear sky. These samples will help in deciphering the nature of the present and past volcanic activity in the region.
That’s another rare eruption of an ,non mainstream’ active volcano.
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