After a few days of inactivity, the anomalous seismic series recorded on the island of La Palma since October 7th restarted at 14.34 UTC on October 13, 2017 in Fuencaliente.
So far, the new series counts 44 events, the largest being of M2.1 and hitting the same zone as the previous swarm but at slightly lower depths (15-22 km). The total number of events recorded since Oct. 7th is 352 earthquakes, most of them so small that they can not be located.
The next map shows the activity and the new swarming episode in La Palma in the last 24 hours. At least 37 earthquakes have been measured and many more were too small to be accurately located:

The NEW seismic activity recorded in the last few hours around Fuencaliente is lower than the activity recorded on October 9th. Since the beginning of the swarm, more than 350 earthquakes hit the Island of La Palma, with people starting to fear about an imminent Cumbre Vieja eruption:

Moreover, a deformation (elevation) of 5 centimeters and 1.5cm were detected while analysing data from the GPS network of La Palma on October 13, 2017.
This ground elevation is understood as magma pressing from below and thus raising the ground. Earthquakes release the energy. Officials however say the GPS results are preliminary and require a revision.
Here the sound of an earthquake that occurred on October 13, 2017 in La Palma:
Next Sunday a new team of scientists will investigate CO2 emission profiles and structural studies on the western side of Cumbre Vieja. Moreover, they will install another GPS and two inclinometers. In addition, water sampling and measurement of physicochemical parameters in the Santa source will be repeated.
[…] La Palma in the last 24 hours. At least 37 earthquakes have been measured and many more were too small to be accurately located: The NEW seismic activity recorded in the last few hours around Fuencaliente is lower than the activity recorded on October 9th. Since the beginning of the swarm, more than 350 earthquakes hit the Island of La Palma, with people starting to fear about an imminent Cumbre Vieja eruption: READ MORE […]
It keeps growing and breaking at the same time. Let’s hope it does not wake the TEIDE, can sink the island through the center.