Slaughterbots: When unstoppable small drones kill


Robots are terrifying. Nobody will say the contrary except robot scientists or somebody who has been replaced by a terrifying robot. Slaughterbots are totally crazy. Think we’re overreacting? But then, if robots are so harmless, explain why many of the world’s leading AI researchers and humanitarian organizations are concerned about the potentially catastrophic consequences of allowing lethal autonomous weapons to be developed:

Slaughterbots is a disturbing short film by the group behind the “Campaign to Stop Killer Robots“. But sorry guys, it’s too late, you can’t actually stop autonomous weapons anymore.

Slaughterbots, autonomous weapon, killer drones,  These unstoppable drones will kill you
Slaughterbots: These unstoppable drones will kill you

And for anyone who thinks little drones like these are not possible… machine learning has already helped small drones teach themselves to perform aerial maneuvers that human controllers cannot possibly perform. SO it’s clearly on its way… And it’s terrifying.

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