The present solar cycle has reached its minimum 1.5 years ahead of time


The solar cycle is the nearly periodic 11-year change in the Sun’s activity that has been observed for centuries. This includes changes in the levels of solar radiation and ejection of solar material as well as changes in the number and size of sunspots, flares, and other manifestations. According to new measurements, the solar magnetic activity cycle has already reached its minimum, some 1.5 years before the expected time. Scientists believe there will hardly have strong magnetic storms…

solar cycle reaches minimum ahead of time, The solar cycle has reached its minimum 1.5 years ahead of expected time, solar minimum reached ahead of time, solar minimum
The solar cycle has reached its minimum 1.5 years ahead of expected time. Š AP Photo/Michael Probst

The report published on December 18, 2017 on the website of the Laboratory of X-ray Solar Astronomy of the PN Lebedev Physical Institute reads:

Space weather in the vicinity of our planet is increasingly losing its connection with the Sun (solar flares), which has almost reached the minimum of its present cycle about 1.5 years ahead of schedule. The main factor of space weather has now become solar wind, the stream of plasma produced due to the continuous expiration of the upper layers of the solar atmosphere into the surrounding space. At least until our star wakes up from its dream.

As of Dec. 18th, the sun has been without spots for 100 days in 2017. The last time the sun crossed this threshold was in 2009 (260 spotless days) when the solar cycle was just beginning to rebound from a century-class Solar Minimum. Now, we have reached solar minimum. In 2018 we can expect at least twice as many spotless days (200+) as blank suns once again become the norm:

Scientists say that the impact of solar wind on the Earth is normally very weak and cannot cause strong magnetic storms. And unlike solar flares, solar winds can be predicted much better and faster.

Well, let’s say that the INTENSE G1 solar storm that hit Earth two days ago was just another space weather anomaly.

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  1. Other cycle like 21? …
    I don’t think that the same conditions will be repeated again. The Sun, every time is smaller, shrinks little by little, since it’s always spending Helium and Hydrogen (Merging); Giving a lot of light, heat and a lot of very dangerous radiation for all living beings composed of organic matter; Our sun is changing little by little. And nowadays, it’s no longer as it was 30 or 40 years ago.

  2. Solar cycle 24 was VERY BAD, it lasted only 5 years and it took almost 12 years to present itself with respect to the last 23 cycle. The one that was very well, off-site, was cycle 21, (End of the 70s, beginning of the 80s), This cycle was … Impressive.

    • I fully agree, this solar cycle was a big mistake. It forces me to think even that some forces could be responsible for weakening the sun in purpose of cutting off its great energy to slow down spiritual awakenings. And without energy everything is worse, weaker, boring, depressive etc. Or maybe sun is travelling to upper dimensions faster than other space objects. Or just coincidence, it`s hard to judge. But this is strange that so weak solar cycle occured exactly in times called End Times.

      You said about impressive cycle at 70s and 80s, it`s very curious. Just look how world looked at that times. Both US and Soviet Union were in peaks of their economical and military strength. Technological progress was fast like never before. There were intense space flights, developments of aviation, computers, navigation and many many more. Most of our modern technology comes from that times. Interesting…

  3. […] The solar cycle is the nearly periodic 11-year change in the Sun’s activity that has been observed for centuries. This includes changes in the levels of solar radiation and ejection of solar material as well as changes in the number and size of sunspots, flares, and other manifestations. According to new measurements, the solar magnetic activity cycle has already reached its minimum, some 1.5 years before the expected time. Scientists believe there will hardly have strong magnetic storms…  Read More… […]

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