Have you ever wondered how Mars look like in winter? Fall and winter temperatures bring changes to Mars as the carbon dioxide atmosphere turns to dry ice frost that clings to the surface. The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter used its powerful cameras capture^d detailed pictures of wintry scenes on the Red Planet.
And, yes, there is snow on Planet Mars!
All those who are pushing this flat earth paradigm need to be subjected to the proper scientific ridicule because they have one foot in the 4th century, when the Catholic church destroyed the Ancient Philosophies, and substituted the Doctrine of MYSTERY, by killing The Heretics, Those who ascribed to the original teachings of Jesus and the Gnostics philosophies of the librarry of Alexandria which the Catholic church burnt to the ground and destroyed 10,000 years of accumulated knowledge established by Alexander the Great… this, the spirit says, is where Jesus studied from 12 until adult, then he assaulted the Temple worshipers of the Jews who ascribed to the school of “Babylon Mystery School”, what the jews took with them from Babylon converted them from Hebrews to the Caucasians, Lost Tribes, the ones Jesus came to teach… then came the scism with Rome and Constantines ‘Unversal Church’ (which is the original ‘anti christ church’….
Beleieve whatever you want…. 2000 years of history shows you to be full of deception…. the ONLY way forward is to unite science and all religions through the full model of Hermes Trismagistus, the Eastern way, the Way of Jesus which is the Golden rule that must conquer the Rule of Gold that runs the Earth for the highest evil that are the “authorities in high places”… overturn the tables on the money changers and you change the world from the top down to the bottom up,, in family, and a new constitution of the confederation of the Kingdom of God on Earth. The Last Trump messengers has arrived, the double edged sword proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord (discovery of Nag Hammadi and Enoch, and all the other Gnostic books… the Original Teachings that takes me away from the doctrine of gold to the doctrine of caring and sharing, but first, the Elite must be battled by The Elect, and only the Elect can see the Truth….
Piper Michel
“Mars” is a wandering star, a luminary, it’s path different from the fixed luminaries. It is not a “planet”… there is nothing beyond God’s creation… all is contained within the firmament. Vain imaginations of “wise men” have made them fools if they truly believe planets orbit a central sun. Wake up!
The sun and moon, along with the luminaries (stars), are all contained within the firmament. There is nothing beyond the firmament except water. God’s abode is above the waters that are above the firmament. We live on a (flat) plane covered by a dome. God’s creation. Research FLAT EARTH!
In the interest of public safety, please do us all a favor and seek psychiatric counseling. Or alternatively you could, oh I don’t know, get an education?
If the Earth is flat then where is the edge(s)? Why do the planets rotate? Why do ships dissapear over the horizon? Why have I witnessed with my own eyes that satallites cross the sky at night? Why is common sense so uncommon in this day and age?
If NASA says it true it has to be true…………right ?
Lol, red planet ? :))))))
And, yes, there is snow of CARBON DIOXIDE (NO WATER- OXIGEN) on Planet Mars … Very poisonous to any living being.