Have you ever seen a river disappear underground? Here you go:
You can indeed see the water disappear underground… And that’s totally baffling!
The video comes with the following description: ‘Sarasvati river becomes guptagamini at this point.?this is at Mana… Bhimpur in Badarinath where Vyasa wrote mahabharata. He curses sarasvati river as she was making a big noise & Ganesha was unable to hear her. Sarasvati River vanishes into the earth.‘
Is it really Sarasvati River?
Legend has it that the beautiful goddess Sarasvati sprung from the forehead of her father Brahma, the god of creation. It is said that as soon as Brahma looked at her beauty, he was filled with desire for her. Unhappy with the amorous attentions he bestowed upon her, she tried to dodge and hide. This is why the river Sarasvati flows underground. And the brief appearance she made aboveground is the moment, legends assert, that she stopped to rest from her tiring run.
Whatever the merits of this legend, on June 15, 2002, Union Minister for Culture Jagmohan announced excavations to trace the course of the river Sarasvati.
Satellite images, supported by a four-year drilling exercise, which was guided by ancient literature, have established that the river Sarasvati is not a myth. It was a huge river that died a premature death about 5,000 years ago, and is now buried 60 metres below the ground. A map of all the channels discovered so far leads one to conclude that it was probably 1,500 km long, three to fifteen kms wide, and about five metres deep. The river probably crisscrossed the present-day states of Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan.
Legend -Saraswati river becomes guptagamini at Mana Bhimpur in Badarinath Vyasa wrote the Mahabharata He curses Saraswati & it vanishes…. pic.twitter.com/fONKPlFPN1
— Manish Tewari (@ManishTewari) August 9, 2017
According to data, the river continues to flow to the sea at a rate of 20 meters a year.. So the video above probably doesn’t show the ancient Sarasvati River disappearing underground, as its flow is much too high.
But this alpine creek clearly disappears underground. This baffling phenomenon is probably governed by geological and geomorphological factors. There must be a large hole and a buried channel through which the river continues to flow downwards… Because the video shows the river flowing again along the rocky hillslope @ 20 seconds…
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There is a river in Florida that flows into the ground. It then reappears about five miles away.
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[…] источникhttp://strangesounds.org/2018/01/river-suddenly-disappears-underground-video.html […]
its just a cave no reptilians or other stupid things
I know the similar cases that water goes underground. Those places have cave systems where are used to be a part of ancient alien reptilian underground bases. Most of people have been taught by school or TV programs as MATRIX that mountains, rivers and caves are created by nature. But most of natural structures have been created by those powerful alien beings long time ago. We don’t realize but many of mountains are actually pyramids covered by earth and vegetation.
When I walked Savage Gulf TN, all the water goes underground cave system. The name “Savage Gulf” itself is strange enough. Some kind of savage tribe of cannibalistic reptilians must be living around there. There is also ancient structure “Stone Door” exists in Savege Gulf, TN. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LUXPuJ3fjQ