Look at that! Last Monday, there was a ‘split sunset’ in the sky over Kelowna, Canada. Yes the sky was just divided in two, a grey and a colored side. And this unprecedented phenomenon – at least for me – left local skywatchers and photographers spellbound.

People were treated to the bizarre sight of a split sunset as the sun ducked behind distant terrain in Kelowna on Monday night.

Pictures of the so-called “sunset split” were sent by a viewer to Global News Tuesday morning, and they show what almost looks like “before” and “after” pictures Photoshopped side-by-side.

This strange sky phenomenon was most likely due to a terrain feature blocking part of the sun’s rays. But what is so big to hide half of the sun?
[…] Links: http://strangesounds.org/2018/03/sky-divided-in-two-as-amazing-sunset-split-baffles-skywatchers-in-k… […]
[…] (Fonte) […]
It’s a planet eclipsing part of the sun and maybe not one of our own 8 If you know what I mean!
[…] Segunda-feira passada dia 19, o pôr-do-sol em Kelowna, no Canadá. Sim, o céu estava dividido em dois, um lado cinza e o outro colorido. E este fenómeno sem precedentes deixou os observadores locais e os fotógrafos fascinados.As pessoas presenciaram uma visão bizarra de um pôr do sol dividido com o sol se escondeu atrás do horizonte em Kelowna na noite de segunda-feira.As imagens da chamada “divisão do pôr-do-sol” foram enviadas por um espectador ao Global News na manhã de terça-feira e mostram, o que quase se parece com imagens “antes e depois” no Photoshop lado-a-lado.Este fenómeno espantoso do céu é provavelmente devido a uma característica do terreno que bloqueia parte dos raios solares. Foto de Terri Knox via GlobalnewsMas o que seria tão grande para bloquear metade do sol?Fonte: Strange Sounds […]
“Most likely due to a terrain feature”. That no one has noticed before? The sun never shone upon before?
Actually i seen a lot like this when sunset and mass clouds are meeting.
The clouds block almost the whole sky except that part where the light reach through on the clouds, above the mountain.
You can see the ray of light spreading up and expose other clouds in pink.
I believe there’s a fabricated lighting tool between us and the sun. It have a beam, focused spot where it’s lighting.
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“This strange sky phenomenon was most likely due to a terrain feature blocking part of the sun’s rays. But what is so big to hide half of the sun?”
What a bullshit idea. Look up, there is nothing that would prevent the sun from being blocked. Never did, never will. It’s got to be outside the atmosphere – or the sun simulator is failing.