A Smooth Exit from Eternal Inflation: Stephen Hawking last research lays the theoretical groundwork for discovering parallel universes


Stephen Hawking submitted the final version of his last scientific paper entitled “A Smooth Exit from Eternal Inflation” just two weeks before he died, and it lays the theoretical groundwork for discovering a parallel universe.

parallel universe, parallel universe hawking, parallel universe hawking theory, Stephen Hawking submitted a final scientific paper 2 weeks before he died -- and it could lead to the discovery of a parallel universe, stephen hawking last paper multiple universe, stephen hawking last paper parallel universe universe
Stephen Hawking submitted a final scientific paper 2 weeks before he died and it could lead to the discovery of a parallel universe. via The Times

Hawking was co-author to a mathematical paper which seeks proof of the “multiverse” theory, which posits the existence of many universes other than our own. The paper, called “A Smooth Exit from Eternal Inflation“, had its latest revisions approved on March 4, ten days before Hawking’s death.

The contents of the paper sets out the mathematics necessary for a deep-space probe to collect evidence which might prove that other universes exist.

The highly theoretical work posits that evidence of the multiverse should be measurable in background radiation dating to the beginning of time. This in turn could be measured by a deep-space probe with the right sensors on-board.

Well Hauking sorry for that, but you can’t receive the Nobel Prize posthumously.

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Arxiv, Business Insider, The Times


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