This shocking footage shows penguins living on an island of plastic waste! Researchers recorded these disturbing images in the South Pacific, where dozens of Gentoo penguins have settled on an island of plastic waste.
Is that the new normal?
We, humans are playing with the equilibrium of nature. Hopefully it is not too late!
EMMA TSUDA SAYS ; We have been studying different types of plastics, to see witch one are the safest to use and recycle. In the year 2054 a new type of Bio nano plastics came out and eliminated allergies to the 95% level and the toxic chemicals to nature were reduced to 98.2% level. Still, it took to the year 2061 to recycle all the older plastics out of the environment without releasing the toxic chemicals into the NATURE while it was at the recycling plastics restructuring factory. In the year of 2054 the largest plastic island in the ocean was solid enough for a 300lbs person to walk on, and was the size of the state of North Carolina!
Except it’s completelg fake…