Is Southern California ready for a M7.8 earthquake?


Here an all-too-real glimpse of what Mother Nature is truly capable of and just how quickly a disaster can turn major cities upside-down.

Is Southern California ready for a M7.8 earthquake, earthquake southern california los angeles,
Is Southern California ready for a M7.8 earthquake? via LA Times

Get ready! Be prepared!

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  1. In astrology, The North Node is approaching California’s Midheaven, putting the spotlight on the “soul” journey of California or the Country which it belongs to.
    North Korea shares the same birthdate as California September 9 (dif years). April 27th was the chosen date for the historic summit of North Korea and South Korea. On this day the Sun was exact on North Korea North Node. A day earlier or later it would not be exact. I feel they considered the planetary movements to make a historic change, an auspicious day to move in the right direction. It was the North that took the step over the divide, and the Sun was on North Koreas North Node. The Koreas have a North and South divide, California/US needs to deal with the Left-Right divide.
    The other big move in the skies is the move of Uranus in Aries (fire) into Taurus (earth) on May 15th. Uranus is the planet of sudden action, surprises. This energy has been building up.
    May 8 1902 was ascension day. Mt Pele in Martinique erupted
    May 10th 2018 is Ascension Day.

    Put the spotlight on the heart!

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