There’s a volcano erupting near Santa Monica in California


The smoke released by the California wildfires are toxic… And for people relaxing on the beach in Santa Monica, it is like if they were watching a volcanic eruption.

smoke california volcanic eruption, california fires, socal fires november 2018
Is that a volcano erupting in Santa Monica, California? via Instagram
smoke california volcanic eruption, california fires, socal fires november 2018
This plume of ash and gases is from a dangerous wildfire burning everything on its path. via Instagram
smoke california volcanic eruption, california fires, socal fires november 2018
Malibu Fires: Smoke On The Water… Fire In The Sky. via Instagram
smoke california volcanic eruption, california fires, socal fires november 2018
I am saddened by the events in Southern California this week. Praying for the fires to stop and heal all the families that are hurting from both tragedies. via Instagram
smoke california volcanic eruption, california fires, socal fires november 2018
Just a few miles away from Santa Monica State Beach, fires rage in Malibu and the Santa Monica Mountains. via Instagram

This video shows the smoke asphyxiating the sky!

I am saddened by the dramatic fires in Southern California this week. Praying for the infernos to stop and heal all the families that are hurting from both tragedies.

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  1. Japan might experience a big earthquake soon. Mysterious wave from South Pole hit Japan. Japan got M5.0 earthquake. I told you that I had a prophetic dream that around Tokyo become a war zone after a huge earthquake hit Tokyo. This earthquake will be the end game for Japan, a modern Babylon.

    11/11/18 3am MIMIC Update Dutchsinse

  2. Many of Hollywood Reptilians have been evacuated from their huge mansions in Malibu, Ca.

    I saw some interview in this Woolsey Fire on a different news video. A familly with 2 kids were saying their house was burnt. But from outside their house, I did not see any damage. Their neighbor houses did not have damage, either. They said once they went inside their house, they found inside of their house was burnt. I saw similar case in 2011 Steiner Ranch fire that a video taker was filming that smoke came out from inside those houses even though outside of those house were still intact. That proved that Galactic Federation of Light can burn those houses from inside rather than from outside. Ordinary wildfire usually start to damage the exterior or roof of those houses. If houses were burnt down from inside, that was NOT a wildfire damage.

  3. Good people’s houses are still standing in Paradise, Ca. God protected those houses for good people.

    At 1:45 on the following video, you can see a cheap small mobile home still standing behind burnt down ruins. Can you imagine the small mobile home can be burnt down more easily than normal houses because those mobile homes are just like match box? When I was considering buying mobile home for a vacant lot, a dealer told me “They are just like a match box, and it is easy and fast to be burnt down.” Then why it is still standing amid of burnt down ruins? Because God protected that house for the owners who are good people.

    Raw footage of Camp Fire evacuees, devastation in Paradise and abandoned Feather River hospital

    • I saw a similar condition in Lake Isabella Fire, The Erskine Fire. Most of area in Squirrel Mountain Valley and South Lake were burnt down and destroyed in 2016. But in the pictures of the fire, I found a small mobile home, a match box, intact amid of burnt down ruins. What was amazing was that fire stopped at the property line (a tiny property), but both side of neighbors were completely burnt down to ash.

      Look at the first image of the following article. A small mobile home is still standing amid of burnt down ruins. A miracle can happen to God approved “good” people.

      • Another God approved “Good people”‘s house is still standing and intact in Paradise, a miracle to those good people.

        Watch at 1:21 on the following video. You can see a greenish house is still standing and intact next to the house completely burnt down. That burnt down house belongs to interviewee. I am sorry to tell that interviewee is not a good person compare to his neighbor whose house is still standing.

        What is the difference between God approved “good person” and not a good person. Of course, personality can determine good or bad, but the most important point is how much love people can have. That love should extend to every animal, too. Do not tell me that those animals are there for us to eat. Vegan and vegetarian are better person to God because every creature is the creature of God.

  4. President Trump’s tweet on California wildfires angers firefighters, celebrities

    Trump tweeted. “Billions of dollars are given each year, with so many lives lost, all because of gross mismanagement of the forests. Remedy now, or no more Fed payments!”

    It sounds like “Fed payments” are paid out his own pocket. In Trump reality show the apprentice, he might say “California! You are fired!”

    We have such a low level IQ president! I tell you Trump represent our society’s IQ. Yes, we have this kind of level in our society.

  5. I myself very glad that we have started seeing a big change on the Earth. We are here to witness this big change. These looking like disasters are liberating us and the Earth. Very soon, the new society is coming where we do not need to work for our slave owners (Queen Elizabeth and some other Reptilian slave owners) for cheap money. At this time, people died or have to die are because of their KARMA, or life contract before they were here to complete, basically they have agreed before they were born. We do not need to feel sad because death does not exist because spirits never die even though our bodies have to die.

    Wow!! State of Emergency As Fire Burns Down California

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