A rare M4.5 earthquake hit north of Plainville early Saturday morning.
The quake was heard and felt across a wide region, including reports from Hays and WaKeeney, as well as Wichita and North Platte, Nebraska, more than 200 miles away.
The moderately strong quake struck at 3:50 a.m. Saturday and lasted a couple of minutes before subsiding.
#KANSAS! – preliminary #magnitude 4.5 earthquake near Plainville, Kansas this morning. No reports of damages at this time. pic.twitter.com/wr0UGLhtJS
— TXESP (@KristiFinkTXESP) June 22, 2019
According to USGS data the quake reached just over a mile deep near Plainville.
Earthquakes around Plainville aren't that uncommon. Though not as strong as last night's, there were already 4 others in vicinity this year. Here is the USGS map for the last 20 years in Kansas. Guessing due to oil? #kswx #ksquake pic.twitter.com/txFViKRc5n
— Chip Redmond (@wx_chip) June 22, 2019
The quake is the largest in a series of Rooks County temblors recorded recently by the USGS.
Kansas people, yes that was an earthquake. No, there’s no natural fault lines in Kansas so you should never experience in earthquake. Yes, it’s from fracking.
— Zane P (@ThomasP_20) June 22, 2019
Yes this is indeed most probably fracking…
A 5.4 earthquake and swarm has broken out off the Coast of Oregon / NW California . Also a M4.5 hit around the same time in Kansas at the fracking operations. Only a freak would deny earthquakes progressing across the plate. Is professor @johnvidale still calling me a fraud?
— dutchsinse (@dutchsinse) June 22, 2019
It pretty much fits with the facking maps below, no?
M4.4 earthquake in north-west Kansas ~30 mins ago might be a candidate for being induced. A seemingly shallow depth, and there's certainly plenty of subsurface industrial activity in the area – many oil wells and active salt-water disposal wells. https://t.co/zd3LMbNkit pic.twitter.com/R5SOsoowUA
— Stephen Hicks ?? (@seismo_steve) June 22, 2019
More than 1000 people reported their shaky experiences on the USGS homepage, any where from 50 to 200 miles of the epicenter of the temblor.
Did we just feel an earthquake? If so that was biggest one I’ve ever felt in Kansas.
— Kristi Faurot (@kfaurot) June 22, 2019
Oh thank goodness! I thought I was going insane! It felt like someone rear ended me last night! Pulled my ass straight out of bed! I look outside and there was no one or nothing there…..#earthquake #Kansas pic.twitter.com/yHctYsmyLP
— Ford Fender’s Acid Trip ? (@whiteblotter) June 22, 2019
Welcome to Kansas where we have Earthquakes, Naders, Floods, Thunderstorms, Windy days you think it’s a Nader but not, have every season all in one week…no Hurricanes yet…Still a wonderful state tho!
— MaZy Keller? (@DRodKeller) June 22, 2019
I’ve officially experienced an earthquake in Kansas yet still have never seen a tornado in Kansas
— Jash (@JRyan68) June 22, 2019
While no other earthquakes were recorded in the past 24 hours in central Kansas, at least six recently struck off the coast of Oregon, two of them registered a 5.4 magnitude. Keep safe!
IF there was fowl play in the death of Elijah’s mom…who died in her sleep the day before Elijah was supposed to return home from detention in KCMo…then she has my blessingh…to turn the fracKings of western KSstate into fracking fluid. Her body was destroyed by her boyfriend.
Elijah never got to see his mom after he was shipped out of state…#noRoomforElijah inn the bloody-State of Kanzas!!