US farming crisis: It’s not only corn! American farmers now face the prospect of also failing to plant soybeans because of rampant rainfall


American farmers are set to leave a record number of acres without corn.

And now they face the prospect of also failing to plant soybeans because of rampant rainfall.

us farming crisis 2019, us farming crisis 2019 corn, us farming crisis 2019 soybeans, us corn and soybeans planting season2019
Is America Facing A Farming Crisis?

The Corn agrobusiness

Corn’s not supposed to be this tall” in mid-June, McCune, who can trace his family’s farm roots as far back as 1857, said. “It’s supposed to be this tall, as he gestures just below his waist.

Conditions and morale are so low in McCune’s area of northwestern Illinois, typically the second-biggest corn-producing state, that he organized a get-together Thursday evening at The Happy Spot, a restaurant and bar in Deer Grove, Whiteside County. About 125 farmers and others tied to the industry turned out for chicken and beer at the event, dubbed “prevent plant party,” in reference to acreage left unsown this season.

It’s going to be a train wreck,” McCune said.

us farming crisis 2019, us farming crisis 2019 corn, us farming crisis 2019 soybeans, us corn and soybeans planting season2019
Corn Planting: Planted field acreages in comparison with 2018. Map via USDA

The headwinds growers are facing are multiple. Record rain has flooded Midwest streets and snarled Mississippi River traffic, crucial to delivering inputs that farmers need and a major artery in helping them ship products.

Stalled corn plantings forced the U.S. Department of Agriculture to cut its harvest estimates in its June report, only the fourth time since 2000 that the government has taken such action in that month’s data.

McCune, and other farmers at The Happy Spot, said the report still doesn’t fully capture how bad this year’s crop will be. He says the weather allowed him to plant just 950 acres (384 hectares) of corn on the 6,000 acres he operates.

Bryan Snetcher, a third-generation farmer from Shannon, Illinois, said that while he was finally able to get his crop planted, it has been a huge battle.

us farming crisis 2019, us farming crisis 2019 corn, us farming crisis 2019 soybeans, us corn and soybeans planting season2019
Amount of cuts in corn yield in 2019 ranks on fourth place in the last 20 years. via Bloomberg.

You spend a week” on the land “and then it rains three days and a week later you’re doing it all over again,” Snetcher said. “Just tired of dealing with the mud this year.

Besides the rain, farmers have borne the brunt of President Donald Trump’s trade war with China. McCune and Snetcher are among farmers that support Trump’s moves, citing unfair trade practices by the Asian nation. The administration is preparing a second round of tariff-aid payments to farmers, as well as looking into freeing up funds for growers claiming what’s known as prevented plant insurance and who sow an eligible cover crop.

Mark Wetzell, a farmer from Tampico, Illinois, warned that the impact on the Corn Belt will be long lasting. He was able to plant 75% of his roughly 1,000 acres. “It’s going to take people a couple of years to get right.

Pete Christensen, a fourth-generation grower who runs 2,500 acres, says he was unable to plant a third of his crop this year. Christensen says farmers don’t want to rely on insurance, in the same way someone with car insurance only makes a claim in the event of an accident.

What’s more, several farmers said that even once the soaked corn is harvested, they’re going to incur costs associated with having to dry it out.

Dan Koster, who traces his family’s farming roots back to Germany before his forefathers migrated to the U.S., said some farmers won’t make it through this acute downturn.

Everything comes from land and feeds our small towns, our elevators, fertilizer business, seed business, machinery business, all that,” Koster said. “So there’s that ripple effect that’ll effect all those guys.

The Soybean agrobusiness

It’s not only corn! American farmers now face the prospect of also failing to plant soybeans because of rampant rainfall.

Growers are expected to file insurance claims on 2.2 million unplanted soybeans acres, or about 890,000 hectares, according to the average estimate among analysts. While some farmers still have time to plant, the estimate would be just below the record of 2.23 million acres that couldn’t be plant with soy in 2015.

For corn, the survey of 19 analysts predicted so-called prevented-plant acres would total a record 6.7 million acres, up from the average in a May 30 Bloomberg poll of about 6 million.

The wettest 12 months on record have already prompted the U.S. Department of Agriculture to scale back its domestic corn harvest estimate earlier in the year than normal.

The agency has signaled it may lower its estimate for American soybean in a report due July 11.

The forecast is still not good,” said Sara Menker, chief executive officer of Gro Intelligence, an agricultural analysis firm that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning.

The outlook for rain was butting up against deadlines for planting in insurance policies that cover crop losses or declines in prices at harvest, she said.

They weren’t able to plant the corn and now they aren’t able to plant the beans,” said Will Osnato, a senior analyst at Gro Intelligence. Areas with the biggest risk of acreage loss include central Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota and South Dakota.It takes time for fields to dry. We are not getting a dry period that’s long enough for plantings.

[RMA, Bloomberg, Bloomberg]

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