Excavation of ancient Chinese tombs have revealed the oldest human skulls which were intentionally reshaped as part of a ritual to show status and wealth.
At a site called Houtaomuga, scientists unearthed 25 skeletons dating to between 5,000 and 12,000 years ago and 11 had the egg-shaped craniums.
Scientists unearthed 25 skeletons dating back as far as 12,000 years ago at a site called Houtaomuga in China.
Eleven of the skulls had artificially elongated brain cases and flattened bones, like aliens, with five belonging to adults – four men and one woman. The ages of death for all 11 skulls is estimated to range from three years old right up to 40.
Cranial modification, or skull stretching, was common in various tribal cultures around the world, such as the Mayans, North American natives and Aboriginal people. It was made to signify group affiliation or social status and originally was thought to date back between 9,000 and 10,000 years.
It is too early to tell whether intentional cranial modification first emerged in East Asia and spread elsewhere or originated independently in different places.
According to the study, skull reshaping was reserved for high-status individuals and certain families.
Houtaomuga archeological site
Houtaomuga was excavated from 2011 to 2015 and the skulls found a the site add to a growing body of evidence of cranial reshaping from the site which stretches back 6,000 years, the study said.
A man’s skeleton with a modified skull was found in a tomb dating to between 13,000 and 11,000 years ago, based on styles of pottery found in the same sediment layer.
Radiocarbon dating of the skeleton placed it at around 12,000 years old. Two sediment layers dating to between 6,300 and 5,000 years old contained 10 skeletons with reshaped skulls.
How did ancient civilisations modify skulls?
The practice of skull elongation – to signify group affiliation or social status – dates back 9,000 years. Common in various tribal cultures around the world (such as Mayans, North American natives and Australian Aboriginal people), the head moulding styles fell into three groups: flat, round or conical.
To achieve the desired shape, the head was wrapped in tight cloth. In the case of cranial flattening, the head was placed between two pieces of wood.
The technique would usually be carried out on an infant, when the skull is at its most pliable. The cloth would be applied from a month after birth and be held in place for about six months.
For example, ancient Collagua people, who lived in the Colca Valley of southeastern Peru, likely modified the heads of babies using bandages or special hats, in order to elongate their heads.
Analyses of skull and bone specimens dating from 1150 to 1450 indicate that those with elongated skulls had broader diets as well as fewer signs of physical attacks perpetrated against them.
[Physical Anthropology, Daily Mail]
and they’re all black of course. haha……can’t hide from the truth forever.
I am leaning toward the idea that these peoples were mimicking the aliens (fallen angels), after they died or disappeared, who wielded great powers and ruled this planet for a long time . I encourage Christians and non-Christians to check out the Urantia Book, which believably ties Biblical history with the rest of the physical and historical evidence left on this planet and this particular universe, which is the Milky Way Galaxy.
My opinion is influenced especially by the reverent acknowledgement of the Holy Trinity in the Urantia Book, and its information about the ancient activities of these fallen angels, (and also Adam and Eve, who according to the Urantia Book, were angels sent by God to genetically evolve the human animal into spiritual beings).
Greek and Roman mythology and the Holy Bible make reference to many similar events and ideas that do not fit with the traditional interpretation of Hebrew and Christian history. The Urantia Book fills in many of these missing links of this planets history.
Aliens and Angels are the same thing. One third rebelled against, and two thirds were loyal to the Creator of all things, which calls itself ‘I Am’. The rebel aliens came to enslave us.
For your own edification and peace of mind in understanding these final days of the rebellion of Satan. Check it out.
I’ve read parts of it, but I’ll stick with Cayce for my spiritual understanding.
So these people held their noses and blew so hard their skulls expanded to twice the volume capacity. The idiot archaeologists went to Wong Wei U.
RESHAPED SKULLS,hahaha,who are they trying to fool,ONLY themselves,scientists are just hot air bags now days,paid government whores who sold their soul for bread crumbs…..