Are solar farms sucking up all the energy from the Sun or even rising risk of cancer deaths?
In any cases, the town of Woodland, North Carolina has rejected a proposal to rezone a section of land just outside its borders for the use of a solar farm using these arguments.
[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”FYoTpmCx” upload-date=”2019-08-15T09:21:11.000Z” name=”Town rejects solar farm because of residents scared solar panels will suck up all the sun’s energy” description=”Town rejects solar farm because of residents scared solar panels will suck up all the sun’s energy”]
Three solar farms have already been approved in the area, but recently local residents defeated the motion for the rezoning of an area on US Highway 258 for an additional solar farm using really weird arguments.
Risk of Rising Cancers and Slowing Photosynthesis
A retired science teacher, Jane Mann, said she was concerned about the rising risk of cancer deaths in the area, saying that no one could tell her that solar panels were not causing the cancer.
She was also concerned that photosynthesis would slow due to the solar panels, stopping the plants from growing in the solar farm fields.
“People come with hidden agendas. Until we can find if anything is going to damage this community, we shouldn’t sign any paper,” she added.
Suck Up All Energy From The Sun
Bobby Mann said that he was worried that local communities would dry up. “You’re killing your town,” he said. “All the young people are going to move out.”
He also argued that solar farms would suck up all the energy from the Sun, and new businesses would not come to Woodland.
Other residents were also reported as calling the panels “ugly” or “hideous”, and said they were worried about their property value declining because of it.
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This is from 2015. Try to keep up.