That’s Russia’s first sea-borne nuclear power plant.
And it has arrived to its permanent base.

Russia’s first-floating nuclear power plant has arrived to its permanent base near an isolated Russian town across the Bering Strait from Alaska, Russian state nuclear energy company Rosatom said on Saturday.
Developed by Rosatom, the plant, known as “Akademik Lomonosov”, set off on a 5,000 km (3,100 mile) journey on Aug. 23 through Arctic waters to reach the Chukotka region.
What could go wrong when the country with the biggest Nuclear disaster makes the first Nuclear ship? It’s going to be Chernobyl but in the ocean.
Good. Nuclear is one of the technologies we must use of we are to put a dent in climate change.
Why do people keep saying that this is the first sea-borne Russian nuclear plant? The Russians / Soviets have been putting nuclear power plants on Ocean going ships since 1958.
Because after Chernobyl this seems like a good idea.
Why are people so freaked out by this? Nuclear reactors on ships aren’t a new idea – there are over a hundred nuclear powered ships currently plying the seas. Nobody is getting their panties in a bunch over that.
This one will also be permanently moored in a safe harbour.
I think some here got all their information about nuclear power from the Chernobyl TV series, and it shows.
Russia is playing fucking games with the lives of every person on this planet.
First they had Chernobyl and the cover up of it. They almost caused a worldwide catastrophe made worse by ego and ineptitude.
[Then this year they had a nuclear fueled missile explode which they are currently dismissing and covering up. Same story, doctors flown to Moscow after treating the victims of the accident. Moving odd equipment to the area etc etc…](
And now these bond villains are putting a nuclear power plant on a goddamn ship and bringing it to one of the most hostile environments on the planet.
Absolute stupidity. Russia can fuck right off.