This is not an epidemic anymore… It’s a slaughter!
Italy records 368 deaths in 24 hours: 15 Italians now dying every hour

The Italian government reported 368 new deaths from the coronavirus on Sunday, the largest 24-hour increase since the country confirmed its first case.
Moreover, the numbercases of COVID-19 in Italy has surged higher again:
“Some 3,590 more cases of the coronavirus were reported in a 24-hour period, nearly 100 more than the increase as the day before. The additional infections reported Sunday represent the country’s biggest day-to-day increase.“
This brings the total number of people with the new coronavirus to 24,747 and the number of deaths to 1,809. Italy has the largest outbreak outside of China.

Why it Matters?
The surge of deaths comes despite extensive government measures to stem the rapidly spreading virus, including internal travel restrictions, bans on all public gatherings and sports, and closures of all retailers that do not sell “essential items.”
There are only pharmacies and grocers open right now in Italy. And that’s the most extreme measure any nation other than China has taken to stem the rapidly spreading virus.
But Covid-19 is straining Italy’s health care system, especially in the country’s northern provinces.
Some hospitals in the Lombardy region are unable to admit new patients.
Moreover, many hospitals are struggling to find intensive care beds for critically ill patients, and there is a lack of protective masks for health workers.
This is not an epidemic anymore… A slaughter is currently going on in Italy! More Coronavirus news on Strange Sounds and Steve Quayle. [Axios] is virus site. You make your freedom of press .
I say give me Liberty or Death. Alex Jones followers . is virus site. You make your freedom of press .
I say give me Liberty or Death. Alex Jones followers .
Corona victims reach 996 in official Iranian statistics; alarm in Mazandaran and Isfahan
Kianoush Jahanpour, spokesman for the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Ministry of Health, said that the number of victims of the coronavirus in the country has reached 9.
In a daily report on coronary heart disease patients and victims in Iran, Jahanpour said on Monday, March 5, that four other people died in the coronation last night.
He added: “In the last 7 hours, 3,000 people have been added to Covid-19and in total we have 1,700 people with the definitive disease in the country.”
A spokesman for the health ministry also said that 2,800 people with corona had also recovered. WHICH IS LIE AGAIN INDEED?
According to official statistics from the Ministry of Health, Tehran had the highest prevalence of corona virus in Iran, with five new cases last night.
Then Isfahan province with 4 people, Mazandaran with 4 people, Khuzestan with 4 people, Yazd with 4 people, Alborz with 4 people, North Khorasan with 4 people, Fars with 2 people, Golestan with 2 people and Qazvin with 4 people There are statistics of new cases of Corona virus.
The Iranian government has not released any statistics on Khorasan Razavi province.
“The provinces of Mazandaran and Isfahan continue to be a serious threat to the spread of corona, and people should not travel to these provinces at all,” Jahanpour stressed.
He also said that the number of Corona virus detection laboratories in the country has reached five.
The Ministry of Health has provided daily official statistics on the coronary virus, while provincial officials have also provided different statistics on the number of victims and victims of coronary heart disease. Some lawmakers also called the government’s statistics “unrealistic” and called for the government to declare reality.
Also, a recent poll conducted by the ISPA Institute for Academic Jihad shows that 6.5 percent of Iranians favor quarantine cities where the Corona virus is more prevalent, but President Hassan Rouhani said Sunday: “We have nothing called quarantine at all.” DOES IT SOUNDS FAMILIAR COVID 19 IS A HOAX?
I call your content bullshit, just parroting the narrative. soon it’s Game over for you type of fuckers.
It will game over for any kind of fuckers, even you!
Why every nations lies to people? Iran for example said Corona Virus will be gone by new year March 20 of 2020 now we have mass graves from spy satellites. Why for example Italy said do not worry be happy then total lock down? Now in USA and North America we are in Martial Law that yet is not placed totally. There will not be an election in USA and many nations that are due for it. 8 weeks of lock down is not enough this issues will last many months to come. We have a great health care in Canada but we need Canadian Army to intervene sooner than later. We need closed off border with USA. We need to shut off every movements in Canada. We Canadian will pay heavy price for it. Look at Italy what happened will happened here as well. We hope USA close border lines with Canada and Mexico in order to stop fellow of ISIS and illegal aliens to both North America. We ask all seniors stay home other wise they will be first ones get it. Disease X will damages kidneys and lungs and liver basically we see people die while walking called sudden death syndromes. Lessons must be learned from Soul and Iran and China Disease X does not discriminate at all?