A shallow M5.0 hit 12km WSW of Cicurug, West Java, Indonesia on March 10, 2020.
The inland quake destroyed homes and other infrastructures around 78km (48 miles) south of Jakarta.
The following pictures and videos just reminds you that relatively small and shallow earthquakes can also trigger massive damage to buildings and infrastructure if they aren’t built properly:
Beberapa rumah mengalami kerusakan pasca Sukabumi diguncang gempa M 4.9 Selasa pukul 17.18 WIB (10/3). #gempasukabumi pic.twitter.com/BWPXKNNrAO
— BNPB Indonesia (@BNPB_Indonesia) March 10, 2020
Even some schools were severely damaged:
Kecamatan kalapanunggal sukabumi pic.twitter.com/L5KJKNx14U
— BMKG (@infoBMKG) March 10, 2020
Dampak gempa mag 5.0 jabar Kecamatan kelapa nunggal sukabumi pic.twitter.com/39xcmivyP0
The earthquake, which was centered in Sukabumi, also shook parts of Bogor Regency in the District of Pamijahan:
Gempa yang berpusat di Sukabumi, mengguncang juga sebagian wilayah Kabupaten Bogor, salah satunya Kecamatan Pamijahan, malam Ini Tim TRC Balawa Akan Berangkat menuju Lokasi untuk memberikan Bantuan Tanggap Darurat #Gempa pic.twitter.com/iOyXzNk4Gh
— Balawa Asep Wahyuwijaya (@Balawa_) March 10, 2020
Let’s hope your house is better built and be strong enough to manage a New Madrid or Cascadia earthquake! Get ready and be prepared!
I told you will be quakes that bring down the greed i am sorry for all people it happened. We pray for them re build their lives asap.